Tuesday, October 4, 2011


     When you are pregnant you enter an entirely different world.  First, you are nausea and lose your appetite for certain foods.  Your taste buds change.  You crave strange things at weird hours.  Your hormones are all out of whack and you become easily irritable.  You always seem to be at a doctor appointment. You gain weight and your clothes don’t fit you the right way.  You get tired easily.  Yet you have trouble sleeping at night.

     When you are diagnosed with cancer you enter an entirely different world. First, you are nausea and lose your appetite for certain foods.  Your taste buds change.  You crave strange things at weird hours.  Your system is out of whack from the many drugs you are on and you become easily irritable.  You always seem to be at a doctor appointment. You gain weight and your clothes don’t fit you the right way.  You get tired easily.  Yet you have trouble sleeping at night.

   I have had three very different pregnancies.  I didn’t mind being pregnant. Of course towards the end of each pregnancy (especially Ruthie’s) I was ready to give birth.  I am truly blessed with three wonderful children.  

                                     Tziporah Ruth aka "Ruthie"

    Elisheva Leora aka "Eli"....doing what she always does :)

                 Joshua Moshe aka "Shua" aka "little monster"
   I have only been diagnosed with cancer one time (and hopefully only one time ever).  I can’t exactly say that I am enjoying myself.  I so would rather be doing other things than my bi-weekly Chemo infusions.  I do know that in the future I will be doing other things.  I have great dreams for the future!

    I wanted to put a “Friends” video clip in but didn’t want to offend some people.  So there is no video clip this round. However there is a quote from when Ruthie was born.

  “Nine months? I was pregnant 10 months with Ruthie.  She stayed in so long she came out with a full head of hair and singing her ABC’s.”---Me

Ruthie’s due date was 8/9 and her birthday is 8/25.


  1. You do have 3 beautiful children and you still crack me up. "Eli...doing what she always does" and of course your quote from when Ruthie was born. You are still my hero.
