Sunday, June 10, 2018

Where does the money go?

Everyone is connected to someone who had cancer or currently has cancer.  Cancer is all around us. I got sick at the start of summer break and did treatment over the summer and into the fall.  One of the hardest things for me was to watch everyone have a great summer. I remember being bitter and upset that I was stuck on a couch while others were out enjoying the weather and vacationing.  As an adult I found this hard, I can’t imagine what a child feels.

One reason I am running and raising money for chalilifeline is to allow one of these sick children a chance to enjoy just a few moments of their summer.  I run and raise money to give them a brief break from the illness. Watch the video that is on my page.

Kids are truly amazing.  I see it all the time as a teacher.  Watching these children in the video gives me the chills.  The song is on my running playlist. I have used this song myself to get through parts of my journey.  Look at the video and see the smiles of these children. Your donation will help put a smile on one of their faces. Your donation will help them forget their illness for a brief moment.