Saturday, December 10, 2011

One Week

In the past when I wrote about time, it seemed as if some days would take forever to happen.  Weeks were like years for me.

I had surgery on December 2, 2011 at roughly 2:00pm.  Just as expected they couldn't find a line for my IV.  Using my port was out of the question due to the location of my surgery.  Of course after a few sticks here and there, I could no longer hold it together and started to cry.  Finally, the anesthesiologist came in and saved the day for me. I was so worried that the surgery just wouldn't happen.  I told the anesthesiologist, "I just want to be counting down from 100..."  He was a very nice man, calmed me down, found a line and then the plastic surgeon marked me for surgery.  Of course I don't remember many things from the OR room.  However, I do remember the anesthesiologist saying "ok, Rachel, I want you to count down from 100 by 3.5's."  Sure enough, I tried to process his request but am not sure I was able to even say one number before I was out.

I have no idea how Stephen handled the many hours of surgery.  I know that my brother Aaron was there to help keep him company.  However, I do not imagine the two of them having non-stop conversation for 6 hours.

I remember waking up in the recovery room.  I felt like I needed to cough and knew that it was going to be painful. My husband and brother were brought into see me. I am sure they said things to make me smile, but it is all a blur to me. I remember lots of ice chips.

I was given a room on a "minimally invasive surgery" floor.  I am still a little confused about this but am very thankful it was a private room.  Stephen slept right by my side (in lovely hospital chair).  The nurses and techs came in once an hour throughout the entire night. I know at some points I just ignored them, let them do what they had to do and continued sleeping.  I know that Stephen has heard me say this numerous times "I feel like a mack truck sitting on my rib cage."  I still have that feeling but it is not as intense as it was right after surgery.

I do not recall eating much on Saturday. I do remember people having to feed me because my arms would not stretch out like they should.

I came home to my house on Sunday December 5, 2011. I could have slept in the hospital another night, but who likes staying in hospitals.  Besides, we all know I had to check on my house and make sure all was ok.  Of course it was!

I can't describe how dependent I had become on others.  Simple things such as pulling up my pants after going to the bathroom.  Simple things as to cutting my food into little pieces and feeding me.  Simple things such as to covering me with a blanket or pulling the back of my shirt down because I can't reach it.  There were many moments when I was embarrassed but asked those around me to help me.  Those that know me well, know losing my independence was hard.  I am slowly getting my independence back.  Today, I fed myself, pulled up my pants after going to the bathroom and made some snack bags for the upcoming week of school.

It has been hard to blog because of my arms and the computer.  My previous "mini-blog" was done on my new toy "ipad."  There was no way I could have done a long blog on that though. I do have more thoughts and hopefully will get them typed over the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. Keep getting stronger day by day by day... remember, one step at a time. You're doing GREAT!!! Hugs and love xoxo
