Next Chapter:
We have reached the four month cancer free mark. Since “the chair” lives in Shua’s room and the best time to get anything accomplished is when Shua is sleeping taking a picture this month has proved difficult. I did have some characters who showed up to help me out in this difficult situation. Also, gave Stephen the task of “go take a picture and make me laugh.”
We have also closed another chapter in this novel. Today, I had my ovaries removed. Being positive for the BRCA test gave me no option. Just as a bilateral mastectomy was not a choice but necessary, having my ovaries removed was not a choice but was necessary. Of course the days before surgery I was going crazy for numerous reasons. I was crazy trying to arrange for child care because I am back at the stage of not being able to lift Shua which ultimately means that I can’t be left alone with him. I was crazy making sure all the Pesach cleaning was done because I knew that I would be limited in my cleaning ability. I was crazy making sure laundry was done and the kids had their clothes ready for school. In fact many people told me that I was crazy to have surgery right before Passover and during my Spring break. Again this was a time sensitive manner which was necessary and not a choice.
I won’t bore you with all the details of this fun filled day. However, I will let you know that I am home and feeling way better than when I first arrived home. I have spent most of the afternoon sitting up on my couch. I was able to sit next to Ruthie while she worked on her homework. Elisheva and I created some nice pictures to mail to great grandma Elma in Kentucky. Shua tried very hard to climb up on me and cuddle, but he was pawned off on Stephen and my mom.
What will the next chapter in this thrilling novel bring…..